
About Me
Reducing Your Storage Stress

After visiting my storage unit recently to gather a few holiday decoration supplies, I realized that my unit was a mess. Finding the lights and the false tree was really difficult, and I knew that I had to do something to eliminate my storage stress. Instead of overlooking the issue, I spent a few weeknights organizing my space. I labeled boxes, threw away stuff that I didn't need, and re-stacked a few plastic totes. It really made a difference. My blog is all about reducing your storage stress so that you can focus on other things. You never know, this blog might free up a few of your weekends.

Three Things To Do When Preparing For A Long Distance Move

21 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you're getting ready to move to a neighboring state or clear across the country, long distance moving can be a completely daunting task. In order to make the process go as smoothly as possible, here are three things to do when preparing for a long distance move. Book Your Long Distance Moving Company In Advance When planning and organizing a long distance move, there are going to be many details you'll need to think about. Read More …

Moving? Tips To Make Relocating Easier

13 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Packing up an entire home full of memories and belongings is a hard thing to do. It's stressful and can be very emotional going through your belongings and saying goodbye to a home. Packing in general is a difficult task. It takes a lot of work, heavy lifting and organization. If you need some help with this, hiring a moving company is definitely the way to go. A moving company can pack up your belongings, place them into the moving truck and have them shipped to your new home for you. Read More …

Moving Your Law Practice To A New Location

28 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you've got a thriving law practice, you may be excited to move into a great new office across town. However, moving your documents, employees and machines to a new place can be stressful. Using the moving suggestions below, you might be able to get your practice to a new location without a lot of trouble. Use Plastic Bins for Old Case Files Depending on your state, case files and all documents in them need to be retained for a certain period of years. Read More …